Respondo a todos os comentários, sempre na secção de comentários dos respectivos posts. *I answer all the comments, always in the comments' section of the respective post.

17 de fevereiro de 2012

Desafio Marca da Semana #3 Brand of the Week Challenge #3

No terceiro dia do desafio semanal decidi-me pelo Milfontes. E como tenho de me ir deitar mais cedo hoje, fica uma descrição muito breve do verniz. É muito parecido com o Amar (post anterior) mas em verde e com um acabamento mais foil, e nisto incluo a aplicação, tempo de secagem e remoção :P A alteração com o topcoat é, no entanto, muito mais subtil. Muda um pouco mas nada de grandes diferenças.
Espero que gostem!

*On the 3rd day of the weekly challenge I decided to use Milfontes. And as I must go to bed earlier tonight, I leave you with a very brief description of this nail polish. It's very similar to Amar (previous post) but in green and with a foil finish, and I also mean application, drying time and removal :P The changes when I applied topcoat are a lot more subtle though. It changes a bit but no big deal really.
I hope you enjoy!

7 comentários:

Unknown disse...

Bonito este verniz... gosto de vernizes foil.. aquele charme especial...

Akuma Kanji disse...

@ Luísa Bento - Pois é, um acabamento alumínio lindo! ;) Verde então acho que é o único que tenho! ***

ritterbraten disse...

Post after post I get convinced that Inocos was a great choice of brand for this challenge :) Do you also have Dancar, the blue one?

Akuma Kanji disse...

@ ritterbraten - Thank you! ^__^ I don't have Dançar but I don believe it is beautiful too! Do you want it? ;)

Akuma Kanji disse...

@ ritterbraten - I made a mistake! I do have Dançar, it's not blue, it's purple :P And it was one of my choices too! Check my next post :D The offer is still on, do you want it?

ritterbraten disse...

So kind of you! :) :) Please, don't bother to hunt it alone, but if you don't find smth from what I wrote, this could be a nice substitution :)

Akuma Kanji disse...

@ ritterbraten - No problem! You know, Cliché Espuma and Cliché Sonho are being real pains to find out! :P But Dançar would go as a "bonus" :P