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18 de março de 2011

O céu voltará a estar assim em breve *The sky will be like this again soon

Esta manicure já deve ter um ano e tenho tantas saudades do céu azulinho assim que, quando olhei para as fotos das minhas manicures, não resisti a escolher esta. Usei um verniz azul bébé da Yes Love (#104) e um verniz branco para as nuvens, que fiz usando o boleador (4 bolinhas juntas). É muito fácil de fazer e muito bonita e alegre, seja em que tons for (com excepção talvez do cinzento seja como base ou nuvens -_-).

*This manicure was made probably one year ago already but I miss the blue sky like this so much that, when I was searching through my manicure photos, I couldn't resist but to pick this one. I used a baby blue by Yes Love (#104) and a white nail polish for the clouds which I made using the dotter (4 dots together). It's really easy to make and very pretty and cheerful no matter what colours you use (well, maybe with grey as exception -_-). 

4 comentários:

ritterbraten disse...

VERY pretty! I love such "baby blue" colours.. And the sky design is cool ;)

Akuma Kanji disse...

Thank you so much ritterbraten! It was incredibly easy to do this manicure! ^__^

Rory disse...

This is so cute! I have to try this soon because clouds are one of the few things I might be able to draw!

Akuma Kanji disse...

Thank you Varnish Vixen! I was really surprised how easy it was to draw the little fluffy clouds! ;)