Respondo a todos os comentários, sempre na secção de comentários dos respectivos posts. *I answer all the comments, always in the comments' section of the respective post.

30 de abril de 2010

A manicure que fiz à minha irmã hoje *The mani I made to my sister today

Queria fazer uma coisa elegante e discreta e assim saiu. Mais uma vez inspirei-me num post do blog da Lumin0us. A minha irmã não está habituada a ter tantas pedrinhas brilhantes numa só unha... vamos ver como corre :P usei o branco da Wynie (nº. 60) na francesa, o n.º 64 de andreia como base e o nº. 73 de pincel fino da Wynie para a linha de glitter prateado. Também pedrinhas prateadas e douradas.

*I wanted to make something elegant and discreet and this is what came out. Once again I took my inspirations from a post on Lumin0us' blog. My sister isn't used to wear so many rhinestones in one nail so lets see how it works for her :P I used the white nail polish from Wynie (no. 60) for the french, andreia's no. 64 as base colour and no. 73 from Wynie's thin brush bottle for the silver glitter lining. Also used silver and gold rhinestones.

(picture above: only used the silver one :P)

29 de abril de 2010

MDD+tentativa de remover cutículas *NOTD+cuticles remove attempt

Boa tarde! Então ontem à noite senti-me inspirada para remover cutículas. Não gosto de o fazer porque nunca achei piada, mas há certos dias em que apetece mesmo arrancá-las nem que seja à dentada! Tentei removê-las ontem (não à dentada) seguindo vários tutoriais de modo a não fazer nenhuma asneira, pois não preciso de mais problemas na pele actualmente! Não sei se ficaram bem ou mal, mas a verdade é que depois de as arranjar deu-me uma enorme vontade de pintar as unhas de vermelho vivo e fazer uma simples manicure (com florinhas que idealizei através do blog da Luminous). E assim fiz, agarrei no meu verniz da IVSTY n.º 302 para cor base e depois fiz umas pequenas flores nos dedos anelar e polegar com o verniz preto da Wynie (n.º 07) "amarradas" com pontinhos pretos também do mesmo verniz e com uma pedrinha brilhante azul escuro no meio. Para algo simples para o dia a dia, ficou bem fixe, acho eu :P

*Good afternoon! So yesterday night I felt very inspired to remove my cuticles. I don't really like to do it because I think it's really boring but sometimes I really want to just remove them by bitting them off! >:( Anyways, I tried to remove them yesterday (not by bitting the heck out of them) watching several tutorials so I wouldn't make any mistake 'cause actually I don't really need any more skin problems right now! Well, I don't know if I did it right or not but after it was done I had this urge to paint my nails with a vibrant red and make a simple mani (with little flowers I idealized from Luminous blog). So I grabbed my IVSTY nail polish (no. 302) as base colour and then I drew little flowers on my ring fingers and thumbs with my Wynie black nail polish (no. 07) connected with little dots with the same black colour and with a dark blue rhinestone in the middle of each flower. I think it came out really pretty for a simple everyday mani :P

28 de abril de 2010

Felizmente nem tudo são más notícias e as manicures continuam a ser bonitas *Gladly not everything is bad news and the manicures are still very pretty

Isto porquê? Porque aparentemente vou passar a trabalhar em full-time! Actualmente estou a aprender na zona do Serviço Pós-Venda pois foi a decisão tomada assim que se soube que ía passar a fazer as 40 horas semanais. Aparentemente acharam-me organizada e apta para essa zona... posso não ser a melhor pessoa para lidar com clientes, mas a verdade é que estou surpreendida com a minha própria capacidade de controlo no atendimento a certos clientes. Acho que aprendi com o Dexter (da série) a murmurar mentalmente o que gostaria de verbalizar e a verbalizar apenas o conveniente... até agora acho que só tenho a ganhar :D entretanto deixo fotos da manicure que fiz à minha irmã. Inspiradas nesta manicure.

*Why do I say that? 'Cause apparently I'm going to start working full-time! Presently I'm in charge (still learning of course) of the Post-Sale Service, it was the decision made by the manager after knowing I wa going to work 40 hours weekly. Apparently they thought I'm an organised person and suitable for that section... I may not be the best person to deal with clients but the truth is I'm rather amazed by my own capability to control myself when dealing with some of the clients. I think I learned from Dexter (the series) to mentaly murmur what I would like to say and only say the convenient speach... until now I think it's all for my winning :D in the meanwhile I leave you the pics of the manicure I made to my sister. Inspired by this manicure.


27 de abril de 2010

Alguém sabe dizer-me o que é isto? *Can someone tell me what the heck is this?

Peço desculpa pelo cariz desenquadrado do post. Já fui a uma consulta e a médica diz que é um fungo, mas não tem a certeza. Receitou-me duas coisas para tratar mas a verdade é que não vejo melhorias nenhumas. Já tenho o tronco todo e os braços assim há cerca de 2 meses... alguém sabe o que é?

*I'm sorry for posting such a not fit subject in my blog. I've seen the doctor and she says it is a fungus but she's not sure. She gave me two prescriptions but honestly I'm not seeing any results. I've got my whole torso and arms like this for 2 months... does anyone knows what is this?

Braço *My arm
Barriga *My belly

Peito *My chest
Acima das ancas *Above my hips
Peito, perto das axilas *My chest, near my armpits
Ancas *My hips
Peito, pescoço e ombro *My chest, neck and shoulder

26 de abril de 2010

My manicure a few months ago

I used a Claire's nail polish (I don't know why but these are not identified with a name o.O) and a thin brush on black. I also used some glitter ;) couldn't forget the super cute paws! ^__^

2nd Day with Yes Love no. 6

It chipped off a little more but I'm happy with the results anyways. I'm only admired that it started to chip off from below and not from the tips o_O oh well. It was quite resistent! But I have this habit that when a nail polish starts to chip, I scrapp it and take it off so.... I took it all off on my second night of work -_- here are the pics :P

Left hand

Right hand

24 de abril de 2010

1st Day of work with Yes Love no. 6

I don't need to say more, the title of the post says it all. I leave the pictures here ^__^

My left hand (only the ring finger chipped off a bit on the side, the rest is perfect)

My right hand (is completly perfect!)

After all the work the results are quite acceptable. But I only worked for 4 hours, the roughness comes tomorrow and Sunday... Lets wait and see... ***

23 de abril de 2010

NOTD before work

Today I'm going to use Yes Love no. 6. It is an amazing nail polish with a very very smooth application! I love to use Yes Love nail polishes just to apply them 'cause they are just so so soft and smooth! ^__^ This is a hot hot pink, very shocking pink. The pictures don't show it very well but it is a very deep pink :D and it dries very fast :D this here is 3 coats. The more coats, the darker ;) lets see how long it lasts on my nails during working period which is 4 hours today, nine tomorrow and nine again on Sunday. Good results I hope :)
Natural light

With Flash

Kitchen Light


So here it is my NOTD. It's Easy Paris no. 520. Beautiful with only one coat. An intense cromatic silver. Lovely application, amazing colour! Oh, and it is fragranced. It smells so good ^__^ I really love it. Tomorrow I'll continue the work series but I'll use another nail polish and not Easy Paris no. 520. Lets hope it will last as long as For Audrey did :P