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7 de dezembro de 2014

Prenda Lush #26 *Lush Gift Set #26

"No vigésimo sexto dia de Natal o meu amor mandou-me uma Whoop!..."
Boa tarde!
Esta é a Whoop. As coisas agora começam a aquecer e nem temos bem a certeza se as nossas carteiras irão aguentar :P Mas vamos a isto! Disse que apresentava todas as prendas e é isso que vou fazer XD
Na Whoop, que custa 41.95€, podemos encontrar as balísticas Northern Lights, Fizzbanger e Avobath, as espumas de banho Drummers Drumming e Brightside e a gelatina de duche Whoosh.
Espero que gostem!

*"On the twenty sixth day of Christmas my true love sent to me a Whoop!..."
Good afternoon!
This is Whoop. Things are starting to get hot now and we're not even sure if our wallets will handle it :P But lets do it! I said I would present you all the gift sets so that's exactly what I'm going to do XD
Inside Whoop, which costs 41.95€, we can find the Northern Lights, Fizzbanger and Avobath bath bombs, the Drummers Drumming and Brightside bubble bars and Whoosh shower jelly.
I hope you like it!

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