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26 de setembro de 2020

Verniz de Halloween #5 *Halloween nail polish #5

 Boa tarde.
Os vernizes de Halloween escolhidos de hoje são: o Caveira Azul e o Pumpkin de glitter de luas holográficas e hexágonos cinzentos escuros, que lhe apliquei por cima. 
Um céu nas unhas onde a lua brilha para aconselhar quem precisa e guiar-nos na direcção mais correcta.
Este é para ti, minha amiga! 💓

*Good afternoon.
Today's Halloween nail polishes of choice are: the Blue Skull and the Pumpkin nail polish with holo moons and dark grey hexagons, which I topped it with.
A sky on our nails where the moon shines to advise those who need and to guide us in the most correct of directions.
This one is for you, my friend! 💓

4 comentários:

KarenD disse...

Glad to see you posting again!

Akuma Kanji disse...

@ KarenD - Thank you. Unfortunately I just knew today that a very dear friend of mine, who celebrates Halloween with us every year, has died. I love Fall, Halloween and Christmas but it seems like there is some force in the universe trying hard for me to hate this time of year. Everything bad happens during Fall. I'll keep posting this because I know she loves Halloween. Thank you once again for every single thing you sent me during our swaps ^_^

KarenD disse...

I'm so sorry for you for the loss of your friend. Take care.

Akuma Kanji disse...

@KarenD - Thank you.