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12 de setembro de 2018

Oriflame The One Batom 5 em 1 *Oriflame The One 5 in 1 Lipstick

Bom dia.
Hoje a minha escolha vai para o batom 5 em 1 Colour Stylist Featherlight da Oriflame, da gama The One, na cor Pink Cloud.
Obrigado por visitarem!

*Good morning.
Today my choice goes to Oriflame's 5 in 1 Colour Stylist Featherlight lipstick, from The One range, in the colour Pink Cloud.
Thank you for stopping by!

2 comentários:

Diane disse...

Pretty shade! 🌸

Akuma Kanji disse...

@ Diane Yay - Thank you, sweetie! ^_^ I think so too. But I wouldn't wear this on Winter unless I'm wearing whites in clothing :)