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29 de novembro de 2014

Prenda Lush #18 *Lush Gift Set #18

"No décimo oitavo dia de Natal o meu amor mandou-me uma It's Magic!..."
Boa tarde!
Esta prenda não é bem de Natal, tanto quanto percebo é uma prenda de Halloween, mas também contém produtos de Natal por isso, vamos a isso!
A It's Magic custa 27.95€ e tem lá dentro as balísticas Dragon's Egg, Shoot for the Stars e Northern Lights e a espuma de banho Magic Wand.
Vamos ter momentos mágicos? ;)
Espero que gostem!

*"On the eighteenth day of Christmas my true love sent to me an It's Magic!..."
Good afternoon!
This is not exactly a Christmas gift set, as far as I'm concerned this is a Halloween gift set, but it also has Christmas products inside so, lets go!
It's Magic costs 27.95€ and it has inside the Dragon's Egg, Shoot for the Stars and Northern Lights bath bombs and the Magic Wand bubble bar.
Are we going to have some magical moments? ;)
I hope you like it!

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